Happy National Pet Day from ACI Consulting!
Behind every cute software consultant is an even cuter four-legged friend. Meet ACI’s very own furry team members that keeps our human team warm and fuzzy.
Langley Hazy Mae
Loved by: Bob Osborn Loved by: Andrea Stull
Loves: kale treats, spooking cats Loves: paddle boarding, fishing (has
not caught a fish)
Zeus Pepper
Loved by: Holly Dunn Loved by: Dennie Quant
Hobbies: homeland security, Hobbies: car rides, beach runs
Penny & Holly Coby & Chloe
Loved by: Eddie Diaz Loved by: Eddie and Christian Escarsega
Loves: the snow, greeting guests Loves: running, vogueing
BTS (Big Tooth Shark) Lily
Loved by: Jesse Luchansky (in his Loved by: Douglas & the Luchansky
dreams) family
Hobbies: swimming and sleeping at Hobbies: The Hunt
the same time
Loved by: Jorge Salguero
Hobbies: democracy, being a family treasure
You will be missed, Halo!